Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Blog Post A Day...

...keeps JJ happy so here you go...

First off, great job to periods 4, 6 and 7 in terms of the TED Talk and discussion afterwards.  My little birds are starting to fly all on their own.  Secondly, articulation continues for periods 4, 6 and 7 tomorrow.  Check in with your sub to make sure he/she can mark your attendance.  Periods 2 & 3, you will be in the classroom taking your practice multiple choice.  When I return on Thursday we will all get back on track with TED Talks for periods 2 and 3 and multiple choice for the rest of you.

And on another note, thank you for being so freakin' awesome.  I am so lucky to be your teacher.  Every single day I come to this school and I get to do what I love.  Wow.

And to pastry boy and croissant girl, I need you both in my pocket.  And to my braiding teacher, thank you.  And to Fancy Socks, I love every pair.  And to...well, I could go on and on and on.  But just know I love you.  I never knew one heart could hold so much.


p.s. - I think Boyd and I broke up...time to eat ice cream.

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